Iranian Regime’s Meddling in Yemen’s Internal Affairs

NCRI – Recently the Iranian regime has stepped up interfering in Yemeni’s affairs and is trying to create unrest in that country by providing money and arms to dissidents and anti-government Shiite groups.
Through the terrorism and drug trafficking Iranian regime attempts to destabilize the social integrity in Yemen.

To do this,  Quds Forces, a division of Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corp(IRGC) has organized, trained and mobilized Yemeni militias who had previously taken refuge in Iran. In addition to the presence of Yemeni militias in camps in Tehran and Karaj, some are also based in Qum. Quds Force officially provides financial support to Yemeni militia leaders.

Quds Forces have been supporting the uprisings of the Zidieh minority in that country.

In order to coordinate terrorist activities, a number of IRGC and Quds Force commanders are currently living undercover in Saada province in Yemen.

On May 25th, 2007 Yemen’s Interior Minister, Reshad Al-Alimi announced that a number of  Iranians had been arrested in Saada.

The Northern Province of Saada in Yemen is mainly home to Shiites. The proxies of the Iranian regime also reside in this province. Abdolmalek Alhousi, the commander of these militias also lives in Saada.

Regime’s other organizations such as Interfaith Society and the International Association of “Ahl-e-Bait” that are directly run by Khamenei to export Islamic Fundamentalism to other countries have also increased their activities in Yemen.

These organizations infiltrate the religious institutions by offering gifts and tuition payments. Under charitable activities, the Iranian regime has sent many agents as doctors and nurses to northern Yemen. Khamenei, Iranian regime Supreme Leader has ordered the use of television networks such as Alalam (regime’s Arabic network) and Kosar to advance the Yemeni militia’s cause.

In recent days the President and Interior Minister of Yemen have warned Iran about meddling in their country and subsequently have recalled the Yemeni ambassador to Tehran.

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