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HomeIran News NowLatest News on Iranian TerrorismIranian regime's IRGC in Iraqi helicopters fly over anti-government protests

Iranian regime’s IRGC in Iraqi helicopters fly over anti-government protests

NCRI – The Iranian regime’s Revolutionary Guards in Iraqi helicopters flying over the heads of protesters in the Iraqi city of Ramadi helping Iraqi forces threatening anti-Maliki protesters.

The IRGC commanders involved in fly-overs are stationed in the Iraqi forces operation headquarters near the city, an Iraqi military source in al-Anbar province revealed, according to a report by al-Rafeddin TV on Tuesday.

The threat to demonstrators comes after the Iraqi media reported that the IRGC was also involved in the massacre of 38 peaceful protesters in city of Hawijah a week ago.

Iraqi protesters also accused their government of colluding with Iran after the regime’s Minister of Intelligence Heydar Moleshi met Iraqi National Security Advisor Faleh Fayyaz in Baghdad on April 1.

Following the meeting, Moslehi told the Iranian regime’s state-run TV: “We have 35 years experience in fighting terrorism and we are ready to provide our expertise to immediately establish full security for the people of Iraq.”

The visit triggered accusations that it was a ploy by Iran to urge Iraq to suppress its own people and support the embattled regime in Syria.

Prominent Iraqi religious leader Mr al-Refaei told al-Shaqiya TV on April 6: “The visit by Heydar Moslehi clearly demonstrates how the Iranian regime is dominating al-Maliki and his government. His guidelines are to suppress the protesters, support Bashar al-Assad and his para-military forces killing Syrian people and destroying Syria.”

The National Council of Resistance of Iran had also revealed that the Iraqi Justice Minister had travelled to Tehran on April 17 to receive orders from the Iranian regime to suppress anti-Maliki protesters as well as members of the PMOI in Camps Ashraf and Camp Liberty.