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HomeIran News NowLatest News on Iranian TerrorismIranian regime provides terrorist training to groups from Middle East to Bosnia

Iranian regime provides terrorist training to groups from Middle East to Bosnia

Iranian regime provides terrorist training to groups from Middle East to BosniaNCRI – Mohsen Rezai, secretary of the Iranian regime’s Expediency Council, admitted that the clerical regime provided terrorist training to its agents in Iraq, in Lebanon, in Afghanistan, and in Bosnia-Herzegovina.

He was interviewed by the official news agency Fars on September 24 on the occasion of the commemoration of the Iran-Iraq war.

Asked whether the experience or the acquisitions of this conflict were taught in the form of academic courses, he said: “There has not been any transfer of experience in foreign universities, but Iran transmitted its experience to other nations, such as Lebanon, Iraq, Afghanistan, and Bosnia-Herzegovina, in the form of non-academic contacts and of military training courses. The kind of battle carried out by the Hezbollah is similar to the war led by our warriors against Iraq. In fact, this experience has been transmitted to them, it has also been transmitted in the North front in Afghanistan and to the Badr Corps in Iraq”.

In 1983, he added: “We sent forces to Lebanon to provide training. There were even senior commanders of the Revolutionary Guards Corps. They went there to free Beirut the same way they had freed Khorramshahr, and also to provide training courses.”