Iranian Regime on Another Misinformation Campaign


NCRI Staff

NCRI – Earlier this month, the United States, the United Kingdom and France launched missile strikes on Syrian regime targets following the use of chemical weapons on civilians. It was very clear that the strikes were targeted and precise and were being carried out in response to the Syrian regime’s attack on the Syrian people.

Since then, Iran has taken to the internet and its own media outlets to slander the United States. Just after the strikes started, James Mattis, the United States Secretary of Defense, said that it was wholly expected that the Iranian regime would initiate yet another disinformation campaign.

Iran, as predictable as always, initiated a disinformation campaign in a continuance of its ongoing ideological war with the United States.

Propaganda agents for the regime have claimed that the United States is in cohorts with terrorist groups such as the Islamic State (ISIS) and Al Qaeda. Furthermore, they argue that the United States created ISIS.

The military branches in Iran also maintain that the United States is supporting local terror groups.

The Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, the highest power in the regime that spreads terrorism, extremism and misery across the Middle East, has also called the British, American and French leaders “criminals” for ordering the strikes. It is ironic that the head of the most corrupt regime is calling the leaders responding to a cruel, callous and inhumane act “criminal”, but it is not surprising.

The Iranian President, Hassan Rouhani, who claims to be (but doesn’t act like) a moderate spoke to the Russian President about the strikes, claiming that the United States led the strikes as a way to relieve pressure on the local terrorist groups.

The United States played a big role in countering the Islamic State in Syria. It has not helped terror groups as Iran claims. The US forces have taken back a lot of land that terrorist groups gained, but it is absolutely essential that Iran is not allowed to swoop in and retake it at a time when the international community becomes complacent because of the diminution of the ISIS threat.

International organisations, the Trump administration and several European leaders have been calling Iran out on its belligerence. This is not enough, though. The Iranian regime must respond to these condemnations. It must be made to answer and explain its actions and it must be held accountable for its crimes.

Why is Iran supporting a regime that kills women and children with chemical weapons? Why is Iran providing weapons, arms, financial assistance and training to the Houthi rebels in Yemen? Why is Iran carrying out military displays boasting of its ballistic missile achievements? Why is Iran continuing to prop up the Syrian regime’s dictator? Why is Iran oppressing, arresting, torturing, arresting and executing political opponents in Iran? Why is Iran not prioritising critical domestic issues before getting involved in conflicts abroad?

The regime has been surviving on the international community’s reluctance to intervene but it is time that this ends.

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