Iranian regime leaders’ images sparks brawl in Iraqi parliament

NCRI – Iraqi parliamentary speaker Osama al-Nujaifi was forced to adjourn a parliamentary session on Monday after protests against the display of images of the Iranian regime’s Supreme Leader led to a brawl.

Member of Parliament from al-Iraqiya bloc, Haidar Al-Mulla, protested the display of images in Iraqi streets and checkpoints. His protest angered the those affiliated with the Iranian regime.

MP Kazim Al-Sayadi physically attacked Mr. Al-Mullah who considered the display of the pictures of the Iranian regime’s leaders in Iraq as “a violation of Iraq’s laws” and requested that the issue of the public display of images be placed on the agenda.

Speaking during a press conference in Baghdad, Ibrahim Al-Jaafari, head of the pro Iranian regime National Iraqi Alliance opposed al-Mulla and said: “While we are seeing other pictures and icons such as Gandhi and Guevara… is it not normal to respect sanctities and [religious] authorities?”

Al-Iraqiya bloc spokesperson Maysoon Al-Damluji said in another press conference: “The al-Iraqiya bloc condemns the public display of images of foreign leaders including Khomeini and Khamenei in the streets of Baghdad.”

“These pictures provoke the ire of Iraqi citizens and violate the sovereignty of Iraq,” she added.

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