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Iranian Regime Is a Threat to the International Community


NCRI Staff

NCRI – The foreign minister of Bahrain stated that the Iranian regime is not only a threat to the region, but also to the international community as a whole.

In an exclusive interview with Al Arabiya TV on September 26, when asked “Is it likely the United States will withdraw from the nuclear deal on October 15th? What consequences does this have for the region?” Sheikh Khaled bin Ahmad bin Muhammad al-Khalifa responded: “This [regime] is the main source of threat to the world. They are not just a threat to the region but a global threat.”

“North Korea’s encroachments and its missile experiences are a global threat,” he added. “No one is willing to accept this danger. The Iranian regime and its missile and nuclear programs are also a global threat. For this reason, all countries in the United Nations focused on these two global threats.”

Bahrain’s foreign minister added: “The relationship between the Iranian regime and Qatar has not been created since the crisis, but has already existed. The Qatari Emir invited us to talk to Iran, he was interested in improving our relationship with the Iranian regime, and we always heard the word, and this is still going on. This is not a good thing, because the danger comes from Iran.”

Meanwhile, Yemeni President Abdrabbuh Mansour Hadi also said in an exclusive interview to Al Arabiya on September 25 that the Yemeni war would require a military solution because of the intervention of the regime in Tehran.

Referring to the Iranian regime’s support for Houthi militants, he said: “The Houthis themselves cannot make a decision. Even if you reach an agreement with them, they will call the Iranian regime…. After they call Tehran, they withdraw from the agreement, and then you will not have any agreement. For this reason, the only solution available is a military solution.”

Abdrabbuh Mansour Hadi said the US policy has improved in the region under the presidency of Donald Trump.

The Yemeni President added that the government of Yemen is currently in the same position as the Trump government, and the common goal is “to increase the pressure on the Houthis and on the Iranian regime.”