Iranian Regime Hinting at Further Terrorist Attacks in Europe

Iranian Regime Hinting at Further Terrorist Attacks in Europe

By Mahmoud Hakamian

Last year was marked by a number of failed terrorist plots and assassinations in Europe. European intelligence agents from a number of different countries were able to foil the plots that were organised by various Iranian officials and agencies.

The Iranian regime is under immense pressure at the minute and it has traditionally plotted and carried out attacks and assassinations that particularly target dissidents and the opposition. The mere increase in plots last year alone on European soil suggests that the Iranian regime is more desperate than it has ever been.

One of the foiled attacks was supposed to take place just outside Paris last year, at the grand gathering that is organised every year by the main opposition to the Iranian regime. The two agents that were making their way to Paris to bomb the gathering were thankfully stopped and an Iranian diplomat was arrested.

Iran, over the past few decades, has used its proxy groups around the region to carry out its dirty work. In 2012, the Iranian regime’s trusty alliance with the Lebanese Hezbollah group was responsible for the killing of 6 people and injuries of dozens more when a bomb exploded at Burgas Airport in Bulgaria.

Less than a week after this incident, a member of Hezbollah, Hossam Yaacoub, born in Lebanon and a citizen of Sweden, admitted to his involvement in the attack after being arrested. He had been tasked with finding targets and carrying out surveillance on Israeli tourists.

Many current Iranian officials are involved in the terrorist and assassination plots that continue to threaten Europe and beyond. It cannot be argued that it is the work of a number of rogue agents – it is an institutionalised effort and it has become known that the Iranian Intelligence Ministry is heavily involved.

The Iranian regime has now made it very clear that it is not going to continue abiding by the terms of the 2015 Iran nuclear deal, or Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) as it is more formally known.

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani threatened to increase the country’s uranium stockpile to weapons-grade level if the remaining signatories of the deal did not manage to negotiate new terms for the nuclear deal within 60 days.

This has led to many suggesting that the Iranian regime is going to further increase its terrorist activities on European soil. A number of supporters of the deal have rubbished such claims, but there is no reason why the threat is not credible. Especially considering the terrorist activity over the past year.

The threat the Iranian regime presents should not be taken lightly. We know what the Iranian regime is capable of under normal circumstances, so the potential is even worse now that it is under so much pressure.

U.S. President Donald Trump, with the deployment of the USS Abraham Lincoln aircraft carrier to the Gulf, has made it very clear that the United States is prepared for whatever Iran may throw at it.

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