Iranian regime a greater threat than ISIS


The Iranian regime’s ‘medieval mentality’, quest for a nuclear bomb and export of terrorism makes it more dangerous than Islamic State, Ali Safavi, member of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the National Council of Resistance of Iran said.

The regime should also be evicted from Iraq, Syria and Lebanon and its human rights record brought before the United Nations human rights council, he said.

Ali Safavi said in an interview with Newsmax TV on February 5: “With the Iranian regime you have a regime with the same mentality and medieval mentality that does believe in does believes in inhuman and degrading punishments such as amputating limbs or stoning women to death and yet it is a sitting government with the resources of a government with the resources of a very very big and wealthy country with diplomatic representations abroad and of course with a vast network of extremists in Syria, in Iraq, in Lebanon, in Afghanistan and of course now its tentacles have been reaching to even Latin America and Africa.

“So clearly the Iranian regime represents the no.1 strategic threat not only to the national security of the United States but, I think to regional peace and stability. Regional and global peace and stability.”

The Iranian regime is also spreading terrorism beyond its borders and ‘engaging in a mad dash for nuclear weapons’ without any support and legitimacy from its own population, Mr Safavi said.

He added: “The overwhelming majority of Iranian people oppose this medievalist regime, they want a progressive modern country where human rights are respected where man and women are treated equally, where all religions can practice freely, where there is relations with the rest of the world.

“Under the so-called moderate Hassan Rouhani, more than 1,200 have been executed, many hangings carried out in public from construction cranes, 120,000 political opponents of this regime, the majority of them from the main Iranian opposition group the MEK (PMOI) have been executed in the past 35 years and more than 450 dissidents have been assassinated beyond Iranian borders. So clearly one has to differentiate between the medievalist rulers of Iran and the Iranian people.

“You have a largely unarmed defenseless population versus a minority which is armed to the teeth, a very repressive minority. I think the Iranian people demonstrated back in 2009 to the rest of the world that they are ready for change.

“I think Iranian people are capable and desirous of changing that country and if anybody had any doubts they saw what happened back in 2009. The problem was at that critical moment in our history, the international community and of course the United States by and large remained silent and allow the regime to suppress its political opposition and the Iranian People.

“Instead of trying to be nice to them, you have to obviously make it clear to them that the world would not stand idle in the face of the regime atrocities or home and of course it is support for terrorism beyond the Iranian border.

“Remember, that no amount of concessions, economic or political will moderate the behavior of this regime and a viper would never give birth to a dog.”

The US must also toughen its stance during nuclear negotiations, Mr Safavi said, adding: “I think the Iranian regimes tentacles have to be cut off, they should be evicted from Iraq they should be evicted from Syria they should be evicted from Lebanon and I think that this is within the power of international community to do so.

“The Iranian regime Human rights records must be brought before the United Nations Security Council for the adoption of punishments against this regime, but, unfortunately it seems to be that this administration is hinging everything on the success of nuclear talks.”
The Iranian regime’s ‘medieval mentality’, quest for a nuclear bomb and export of terrorism makes it more dangerous than Islamic State, Ali Safavi, member of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the National Council of Resistance of Iran said.

The regime should also be evicted from Iraq, Syria and Lebanon and its human rights record brought before the United Nations human rights council, he said.

Ali Safavi said in an interview with Newsmax TV on February 5: “With the Iranian regime you have a regime with the same mentality and medieval mentality that does believe in does believes in inhuman and degrading punishments such as amputating limbs or stoning women to death and yet it is a sitting government with the resources of a government with the resources of a very very big and wealthy country with diplomatic representations abroad and of course with a vast network of extremists in Syria, in Iraq, in Lebanon, in Afghanistan and of course now its tentacles have been reaching to even Latin America and Africa.

“So clearly the Iranian regime represents the no.1 strategic threat not only to the national security of the United States but, I think to regional peace and stability. Regional and global peace and stability.”

The Iranian regime is also spreading terrorism beyond its borders and ‘engaging in a mad dash for nuclear weapons’ without any support and legitimacy from its own population, Mr Safavi said.

He added: “The overwhelming majority of Iranian people oppose this medievalist regime, they want a progressive modern country where human rights are respected where man and women are treated equally, where all religions can practice freely, where there is relations with the rest of the world.

“Under the so-called moderate Hassan Rouhani, more than 1,200 have been executed, many hangings carried out in public from construction cranes, 120,000 political opponents of this regime, the majority of them from the main Iranian opposition group the MEK (PMOI) have been executed in the past 35 years and more than 450 dissidents have been assassinated beyond Iranian borders. So clearly one has to differentiate between the medievalist rulers of Iran and the Iranian people.

“You have a largely unarmed defenseless population versus a minority which is armed to the teeth, a very repressive minority. I think the Iranian people demonstrated back in 2009 to the rest of the world that they are ready for change.

“I think Iranian people are capable and desirous of changing that country and if anybody had any doubts they saw what happened back in 2009. The problem was at that critical moment in our history, the international community and of course the United States by and large remained silent and allow the regime to suppress its political opposition and the Iranian People.

“Instead of trying to be nice to them, you have to obviously make it clear to them that the world would not stand idle in the face of the regime atrocities or home and of course it is support for terrorism beyond the Iranian border.

“Remember, that no amount of concessions, economic or political will moderate the behavior of this regime and a viper would never give birth to a dog.”

The US must also toughen its stance during nuclear negotiations, Mr Safavi said, adding: “I think the Iranian regimes tentacles have to be cut off, they should be evicted from Iraq they should be evicted from Syria they should be evicted from Lebanon and I think that this is within the power of international community to do so.

“The Iranian regime Human rights records must be brought before the United Nations Security Council for the adoption of punishments against this regime, but, unfortunately it seems to be that this administration is hinging everything on the success of nuclear talks.”

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