Wednesday, July 17, 2024
HomeIran News NowLatest News on Iranian TerrorismIranian exiled group denies members arrested

Iranian exiled group denies members arrested

Iranian exiled group denies members arrested Reuters – An exiled Iranian opposition group denied on Wednesday that some of its members had been arrested in Tehran.

Iranian state television reported on Tuesday that members of the Mujahideen Khalq Organisation (MKO) were arrested by the Intelligence Ministry before they could detonate bombs in the capital.

Intelligence Minister Heydar Moslehi did not say how many had been arrested or when. The government said those arrested were trained in Iraq.
In an email to media, the opposition group denied "these absolutely false claims" which it said were part of a misinformation campaign.

The opposition group said that "by falsely alleging that those arrested had gone from Iraq to Iran, (the Iranian government) is setting the stage for launching an attack on Camp Ashraf" in Iraq.

The camp is home to several thousand members of the Iranian opposition movement that the United States considers a terrorist organisation.
Tuesday's report came two days after Iran said it had arrested 13 members of an anti-revolutionary group who had carried out attacks in the Islamic state.

 (Writing by Robert Woodward in London)

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