Iran throws lifeline to Assad, calls for “elections”

NCRI, Paris – The state owned Fars News Agency, staffed by current and former members of Iran’s revolutionary guards, has reported today of yet another Iranian plan to splinter support for the Syrian regime’s overthrow.

“If the opposition forces in Syria give up their weapons, then the government can be demanded to listen to the opposition views and allow them to express their views,” Khamenei said last week, according to Fars.

The farcical statement by the supreme leader of Syria’s despotic ally comes as Assad’s beleaguered forces are increasingly isolated in parts of Damascus and to their military barracks as the insurgency in Syria reaches a turning point.

Iran’s overture, offered during a two-day gathering in Tehran by Syrian regime supporters, reveals the precarious circumstances of Assad’s regime, which once served Tehran as a bridge to its Lebanese Hezbollah ally and which Tehran has backed staunchly.


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