Iran-Terrorism: Terrorist Trainings by Mullahs’ Qods Force and Ministry of Intelligence




NCRI – This is the second part of a special report on the Iranian regime’s extraterritorial terrorist activities. The first part was published on December 2:
The Intelligence Ministry Terrorist Training Centers
The Intelligence Ministry often uses barracks and military centers belonging to the IRGC or the classic army for training non-Iranian agents. The Ministry takes part of the army or IRGC barracks and turns it into a secret section for training the terrorists.
a. Lavizan Training Center
Lavizan Training Camp is located in Lavizan District, Tehran and is an army center for intelligence and counter-intelligence courses. The instructors are from the classical army. The Intelligence Ministry also uses this camp for training its cadres and terrorists. The assassins of Dr. Kazem Rajavi, received a great amount of their trainings in this camp.
b. Abyek Training Center
The center is used by the Intelligence Ministry for manoeuvring and exercising terrorist operations. The center is situated in a camp where apparently looks like a city. There are streets, alleys, shops and half-built houses to make it look like a city. Manoeuvring on terrorist operations is carried out in the center through creating conditions similar to the real operation. Dead bodies with no identity are used as training subjects. Dr. Kazem Rajavi’s assassins exercised their plan several times in this center.
c. Mostafa Khomeini Barracks
Motafa Khomeini Training Barracks is one of the training barracks which is used by the Intelligence Ministry. Mostafa Khomeini training barracks is inside of the IRGC Vali Aser barracks which is located in Eshrat Abad District, Tehran.
The IRGC Air Force Command Staff is based in Vali Asr barracks. The Intelligence Ministry uses Mostafa Khomeini barracks for training agents whose IDs must be kept secret. All military and intelligence trainings including security, espionage and latest methods of torture are taught in this barracks.
d. Ali Abad Barracks, Qom
This barracks is located 40 km from Qom on the Tehran- Qom Highway. The Intelligence Ministry has separated part of this barracks with defilade and has created an area in this section for its trainings. Intelligence Ministry agents carried out firing experiences on the giant 320 mm mortar in this area. Also, intelligence agents are trained here to fire Katyusha rockets for terrorist operations.
e. Korreit Camp in Ahwaz
The Korreit camp is located 40 km away from Ahwaz on Ahwaz-Mahshahr Highway and next door to the IRGC Habibollahi barracks which is controlled by the IRGC. The commander of this center is Seyed Abbas Mousavi. Intelligence instructors who train the Ministry’s agents in this center generally come from Tehran.
f. Fateh Ghanni Barracks
This Barracks is located on Tehran – Qom highway and is a training place for foreign agents. A number of the Regime’s agents in Turkey who were recruited by the Qods Force and the Intelligence Ministry were trained here. These terrorists took part in the following terrorist operations with the aid and support of Regime’s Embassy in Turkey:
Kidnapping and murder of an MeK member called Ali Akbar Ghorbani in 1993.
Assassination of Tooran Dourson the Turkish Journalist in August 1990.
Assassination of Ughoor Momjoo the Turkish Journalist by putting bomb in his car in June 1993.
g. Ghayoor Asli Barracks
Ghayoor training barracks is located at km 30 of Ahwaz – Khoramshahr Highway and has a long service in training foreign agents. The Qods Force and the Intelligence Ministry use this center simultaneously. This barracks has also a branch in Khoramshahr.

Other Terrorist Training Centers
Other Terrorist Training Centers and barracks where Iranian and non-Iranian agents are trained by the Regime, are as follows:
a. Navab Safawi’s school is used for theoretical training of agents.
b. Hezbollah Barracks in Varamin which was previously used for training terrorists before being sent to Iraq.
c. Eezeh Training Barracks which is located near Ezeh city. The terrorists are trained how to use weapons here by an int. officer called Hadi who is from the Intelligence Office, Ahwaz. His assistant, also an int. officer, is called Ne’amat.
d. Amir Al-Mo’amenin barracks in Ban Roushan is located 35 km away from Ilam. The place belongs to the IRGC in Ilam. Many of terrorist operations in Iraq is organized in this barracks.
e. Kawthar training Barracks is located in Dezful – Shushtar Highway. It is one of the Regime’s terrorist training centers. An IRGC commander called Hassan Darvish teaches the terrorists.
Procedure of Finding and Recruiting Agents
The Clerical Regime’s terror machines like the Qods Force or the Intelligence Ministry have very difficult conditions for recruiting new agents. The agents are first selected by the Islamic Culture and Communications Organization or the Cultural Advisor. Then through a number of tours which is organized by the Regime’s intelligence officers, the more suitable agents are introduced to the Regime’s intelligence officers (from the Intelligence Ministry or the Qods Force) in the desired country. The Regime’s intelligence officer carries out investigation on the new agents file and then sends it to Tehran. The file in Tehran is sent to the ID Determination Section in the Intelligence Ministry. Once the section passes its remarks on the file, the agents are accepted by the Intelligence Ministry or the Qods Force for training.
Training Subjects
The Qods Force and the Intelligence Ministry, in addition to clerical trainings, also gives military and intelligence training to the terrorists. The following is part of the military and intelligence training given to the terrorists:
a. Espionage and Intelligence Training:
Infiltration into various sensitive places and key buildings such as factories, air ports, computer centers and control rooms in arms factories.
Infiltration into meetings, gatherings and various organizations.
Handling all types of sound equipment and recording the voice of the concerned people.
Map reading, locating, identifying, and ordinary and infra-red photography.
Communications techniques and instruments, control and management of communications.
Handling, installing and controlling bugging devices.
Persuasion and observation.
Counter – Persuasion
Passing illegally through borders
b. Demolition Training
Handling T.N.T for exploding cars, buildings and bridges
Handling C4 plastic explosives for making booby traps for the purpose of assassination.
Handling C4 plastic explosives as bombs for installing in suitable places for the purpose of demolition or assassination.
c. Special Training for Assassination
Training on personal weapons.
Training operational teams on Russian made Yoklof arm, M16 and M2 weapons.
Individual fight training
Methods of killing people without weapons such as killing by breaking the neck, or hit sensitive parts, quick suffocation by using common things.
Guerrilla warfare and exercising the operations on models.

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