Iran: Supreme Leader’s Representative Calls for Execution of Protesters and Chopping UK Ambassador Into Pieces



Iran: Supreme Leader’s Representative Calls for Execution of Protesters and Chopping UK Ambassador Into Pieces
Iran: Khamenei’s representative in Mashhad calls for execution of protesters and chopping UK ambassador into pieces!

On January 14, Ahmad Alamolhoda, Mashhad’s Friday Prayers Imam and the representative of the Iranian regime’s supreme Leader, Ali Khamenei, in Khorasan Razavi Province, while referring to the arrest of the British Ambassador in Iran last week said he should have been “chopped into pieces.”

“Some say the UK Ambassador must be expelled. Expelling the UK Ambassador is the greatest act of kindness toward him. If our people accept for him to be expelled, this would be the greatest act of pardon. No. The UK Ambassador must be chopped into pieces,” said Alamolhoda.

While referring to the protesters who took to the streets against the regime’s deliberate downing of an airliner, as the “enemy’s fifth column” he said: “They are the fifth column. It has been reported that when they were passing by and on the ground, there were photos of the US and Israeli flags, they refrained from walking on the US and Israeli flags. They went around them. They are American and Israeli [puppets]. They are the fifth column of the US and Israel who are doing this in the country. All around the world, how do people deal with fifth columns? You should do the same to the fifth column,”

He also called for the execution of all the detained protesters who tore down pictures of the regime’s eliminated Revolutionary Guards (IRGC) Quds Force Commander, Qassem Soleimani, and said: “A bunch of spies and paid agents took to the streets for 3 [consecutive] days and tore down Soleimani’s pictures, and we are supposed to stay silent? The Judiciary officials should note that we are at the state of war. We launched 13 missiles against American targets, and we are at war with this country. When a country is at a state of war, those who cooperate with the enemy are identified as the fifth column and should be court-martialed and executed.”

He also tried to portray the regime’s failed attempt in portraying Soleimani as a national hero during his funeral as a great success and naively said: “In a city [Mashhad] where 7 million people mourned Soleimani, weren’t there ten thousand people to stop [protesters] from tearing down his picture?,” he said while the combined urban and metro population of Mashhad is 3.6 million.

His remarks once again highlight the call made by the Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, the president-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), on the international community, particularly United Nations, to send a fact-finding mission to Iran in order to ensure the safety of detained protesters.

Alamolhoda’s remarks also underlined the need for the international community, especially European Countries, to adopt a firm policy vis-à-vis this regime and its warmongering. They should also recognize the Iranian people’s right to resistance against this vicious regime.

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