Iran regime’s terrorist blackmail to gain more incentives from West

NCRI – In a commentary on June 7 by Kayhan daily, closely affiliated to the regime’s supreme leader, the package of incentives offered by the European Union to the Iranian regime was described as "worthless" and a conspiracy against the clerical rule.

In a clear reference to the regime’s terrorist threats as a bargaining chip in negotiations, the daily stated that by giving security guarantees to the West greater concessions could be gained in the area of uranium enrichment.

"What Javier Solana offered as a package of concessions to Iran is so worthless that it does not even merit a study. But, the mere trend of giving concessions to Iran is not all that bad. This is only the beginning, the westerners will be coming to Iran a lot  more bringing more concessions," the Kayhan daily wrote.

The reason why the West should give concessions to the regime is explained by Kayhan: "There are times when Iran can cause hundred percent insecurity for the West in the region. That is to create a situation where the West would not feel secure even one little bit. Or it can reduce the threat from hundred percent to 10 percent. This would mean 90 percent security to the West in the region. But this has a price to pay. In exchange for such a large volume of ‘security guarantees,’ they should offer political, economic and security guarantees to Tehran. Therefore, the concession offered to Iran would not mean that it should give up its nuclear technology and capabilities, but, for Iran not deploy it – to some extents not fully – against the West."

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