Iran regime to commemorate the death of Lebanese terrorist attempting to kill Salman Rushdie

NCRI – The mullahs’ regime plans to hold a ceremony to commemorate the Lebanese terrorist Mostafa Mohammad Mazeh for attempting to assassinate the British author Salman Rushdie in August 3, 1989.

The Imam Sadeq University belonging to the Ministry of Intelligence and Security (MOIS) in Tehran is the main sponsor of the event which will be held next Monday.

The Booker Prize winner became a cause célèbre in 1989 after Khomeini, the spiritual founder of the mullahs’ regime, issued a fatwa against him following the publication of The Satanic Verses. Accusing Rushdie of blasphemy, Khomeini exhorted Muslims to kill the author. A $2.5 million bounty was put on his head, forcing Rushdie to go into hiding with round-the-clock protection.   

Plans to commemorate the fallen terrorist by the MOIS school has a special significance this year since the Islamic Revolutioary Guard Corps (IRGC) and its surrogate were designated as terrorist organizations by the US State and Treasury Departments.

Keeping alive the memory of Mazeh is a reminder that the mullahs have not backed up even an iota of Khomeini’s original idea of exporting Islamic fundamentalism and terrorism.  

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