Iran Regime’s Role in Repressing the Syrian People


NCRI – The so called reformist member of the Islamic Iran Participation Front, Mostafa Tajzadeh acknowledged the failure of projects and the interventions of the Mullahs’ regime in repressing and killing the innocent Syrian people. As he puts it:”Iran’s regime with the help of Assad’s army intended to fight with other Syrian people and it was the beginning of a disaster.”

On 29th October 2016, In an interview with the weekly magazine ” Rooberoo” (printed in Tehran),Mostafa Tajzadeh said that for many Arabs, Hassan Nasrallah (the leader of the terrorist group of Hezbollah) has become the leader of the Shiite minority sect that is fighting with a majority of Muslims. He also admitted that the regime has stuck in the Syria’s swamp.

Mostafa Tajzadeh blames the terrorist Qods Force of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards and said:” the Qods Force is pursuing a wrong policy. The government and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs must be aware of Iran’s meddle in Syria.

Iran’s regime adopts the reasoning that if we don’t fight in Aleppo and Damascus, we have to fight in the cities of Iran instead. There is actually racism behind this argument. We have sacrificed a lot of people in the name of defense and yet we have brought insecurity to Karbala, Najaf, Samarra and even the holy city of Mashhad. Therefore, we tried to give a revolutionary, national and Shiite image to a political and economic challenge.”

Mostafa Tajzadeh also talked about the military role of Russia in Syria and Moscow’s interaction with the Iranian forces. The Iranian regime has actually become the facilitator and the infantry of Russia.

The so-called reformist member says:”it was the first mistake of the Mullahs’ regime to recommend Assad to repress and ignore the demands of rebels instead of encouraging him to end the conflict, to solve the issues and to encourage the protesters for participating in the arena of politics and power.

The dominant form of protests was of people and it has the nature of freedom, justice, and participation. The Baath regime of Assad was despotic and corrupt and it suppressed the people. The people also wanted freedom, democracy, social justice and the fight against corruption. The people who were impressed by the Arabic spring rallied in the streets but the regime suppressed them instead of considering their demands, rights, and interests.

The second mistake of the regime was that it sent troops, advisors and fighters of Iraq, Lebanon, Afghanistan and Pakistan to Syria after the crisis arose; instead of finding a political and military solutions and putting them on the agenda.

The regime has a lot of contradictions. It supported the protests against Gaddafi’s regime while it addressed the revolution of Syria as an intrigue.”



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