Iran Regime’s Quds Day Turned Into a Fiasco in Different Cites Despite Khamenei’s Call

Iran Regime’s Quds Day

By Mahmoud Hakamian

Ever since Khomeini, the first leader of the Iranian regime came to power, Quds Day demonstrations and marches have been held every year. The occasion is on the last Friday of Ramadan and has been a call by the state for a so called support of the Palestinians.

This year according to what is being shared in social media, scenes in different cities across Iran show the empty streets and non-participation of people is evident and an indicative of nationwide discontent towards regime.

From the onset the creation of such an occasion by Khomeini was nothing but a cover up for anti-Palestinian policies which during the past 40 years have time and again been objected by the Palestinian leaders.
This year, after the nationwide protests in which the slogans like: ‘no to Gaze no to Lebanon our life is for Iran’ was chanted by the protesters, Khamenei had personally called on people to participate in the demonstrations and marches of Quds Day and his call was followed by a statement released by the IRGC and widespread advertisements in every state-owned media to ask people to participate, but their call was nationally rejected by the Iranian people and the ceremonies turned into a fiasco all over Iran.

This event has been unprecedented during the past 40 years and is another manifestation of the nationwide hatred and discontent towards the regime at its entirety.

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