Iran Regime’s MP: 36 U.S. Targets Are Within the Range of Our Missiles


NCRI – The Iranian regime’s MP, Mojtaba Zolnoor on Saturday February 4th 2017 had a speech in the auditorium of the Chamber of Commerce of Qom. He resorted to uttering empty threats and said:”the Islamic Republic has gained extensive achievements in the field of missiles. As soon as the enemy fires a missile at Iran, the Islamic republic will immediately launch missiles at Tel Aviv. This fact is not a slogan since an Iranian missile will only take 7 minutes to hit Tel Aviv.”

In order to raise the spirit among the discouraged Iranian forces, He mentioned 36 US military bases and said:”the US Navy’s Fifth Fleet has occupied part of Bahrain and the farthest military base of the enemy is located in Indian Ocean. These bases have been recorded by the Iran’s missile systems. In case the enemy targets us we will destroy them thoroughly.”

Mojtaba Zolnoor slammed Rouhani’s government and said:”some weak-minded people offer surrender, as they look at the equipment and technologies used by the enemy.

During the U.S. presence in Afghanistan, the reformist parliament of Iran had also gathered 128 signatures in a letter and sent it to the Supreme Leader demanding the surrender to the enemy.” Zolnoor added.

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