Iran Regime’s Land Bridge to the Mediterranean Must Be Blocked

attack on al-Harra, southeast of the town of Albu Kamal in Syria

By Staff Writer

As a result of an attack on al-Harra, southeast of the town of Albu Kamal in Syria, there were several deaths and injuries. A Syrian state news agency reported that the US-led coalition had bombed the area, but a few days ago a US official revealed that it was Israel. It was reported that dozens of Iranian-backed Shi’ite Kata’ib Hezbollah members were killed or injured.

The airstrike is the first one to target the Iraqi militias that cross into Syria to aid Assad’s regime and it had the purpose of trying to block Iran’s route to the Mediterranean at this strategic area.

Iran has been attempting to gather forces the whole way from Iraq to Lebanon via Syria.

At the end of last year, it was reported that large numbers of Shiite militias passed across the border from Iraq into Syria in unmarked convoys. They play a crucial role in the war in Syria and fight on behalf of Iran.

Iran relies heavily on its militias and its notorious Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) trains and supports them. It is believed that 80,000 militias in Syria have been trained by Iran (according to Israel’s ambassador to the United Nations Danny Danon).

The terrorist leader of the IRGC’s Quds Force, Qasem Soleimani, is in charge of overseas operations and he has openly said that the units he is in charge of have been working alongside the Lebanese Hezbollah.

Iraq is coming to understand that the presence of Iraqi militias in Syria is becoming more and more controversial, not least because Iraq is a partner in the coalition that is led by the United States, its ally.

In May, the US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo criticised Iran’s dangerous role in Iraq, highlighting that Shia militia groups and terrorists sponsored by Iran are trying to get into the Iraqi system to undermine the country’s official security forces.

It is not just officials that are calling for Iran to leave Syria. It is also the people of Iran. At the end of last year, the people of Iran took to the streets to denounce the regime’s meddling in other nations, in particular in Syria. The protests turned into the biggest uprising in recent history in the country.

The people are supported by the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), the main opposition to the regime. It will hold its annual rally on 30th June and tens of thousands of Iranians around the world will be in attendance.

Prominent politicians, human rights activists and dignitaries from a wide range of countries will address the audience and discuss the latest developments in the quest for a free Iran.

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