Iran Regime’s IRGC Commander Praises Terrorist Proxy Group Basij


NCRI Staff

NCRI – The commander of the violent terrorist group, the Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) praised the role of the Basij, a militia group operating within the IRGC, as a model for other Iranian Regime proxies across the Middle East.

Mohammad Ali Jafari said, in a speech to the Basij forces in Tehran: “The Basij is a role model for the ‘resistance’ of the countries in the region, including Hezbollah in Lebanon, and it is expressed in hundreds of thousands of people who have undergone training in the forces of Al-Hashd Al-Sha’abi [popular forces that fought ISIS in Iraq], in Yemen, and other countries.”

Destabilisation of the Middle East

Khomeini, the founder of the Islamic Republic of Iran and former Supreme Leader, had once ordered that the Iranian Regime establish Basij forces all around the world in order to destabilise the countries and/or regions which would then make it easier for the Iranian Regime to take control.

The idea is that once the proxy forces have destabilised a country, a power vacuum is created which the Iranian Regime can then fill. As they used proxy groups, the Regime is able to deny association with the group that helped them steal power.

The Iranian Regime has been following that instruction ever since and exporting terrorism across the Middle East, which has led to an incredible amount of Iranian influence in countries like Syria (where they prop up the Bashar Assad dictatorship), Iraq (where they have infiltrated the internationally recognised government), Lebanon (where they support the terrorist Hezbollah cell), and Yemen (where they support the terrorist Houthis).

Jafari said: “Today, armed cells of resistance have been established in Islamic countries, and small networks of resistance have been created in other countries, and we will see their influence in the future.”

The IRGC even has a network of terrorist training camps in Iran where they teach people how to become terrorists, organise bombings, and stage political coups. It is clear that the Iranian Regime is a friend to terrorism rather than an opponent of it.

Iran Regime in Syria

Jafari referred to the Iranian-backed forces in Syria to support Assad as volunteers fighting terrorism, but in reality most fighters for the Shiite volunteer forces are coerced- through promises of citizenship for refugees, promises of a better life for poor people, or threats of violence against them- and they are fighting for terrorists rather than against them.

There are even reports from Human Rights Watch that the Iranian Regime recruited child refugees to fight in Syria, which constitutes a war crime and contravenes the UN Children’s Rights Charter.
The Iranian Regime is not only destabilising the Middle East, it’s forcing its children to help.

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