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Iran Regime’s Influence in Lebanon Sparking New Crisis

NCRI Staff

NCRI – Nabil de Freij, a Lebanese politician and future parliamentary bloc MP, said earlier this week that the sovereignty of Lebanon is being violated with the interference of Iran in Lebanese political matters. He also said that Iranian regime has contributed to the decision by Lebanese Prime Minister Saad Hariri to resign.

The Prime Minister had a number of reasons that led him to withdraw from the political settlements that had been reached previously between several different political parties in the country. De Freij said that another contributing factor was Iranian regime’s attempts to normalise Lebanon’s relations with Syria during a visit to the Syrian capital made by its allies recently.

In an interview on Wednesday this week, Nabil de Freij said that the Prime Minister’s resignation came because he was growing tired of the situation. He said that like many people inside and outside the country he was very shocked to hear of the resignation, but he added that he has faith in Hariri.

In October last year, there was a settlement agreed between the political parties in the country and Michel Aoun was subsequently elected as the Lebanese President. De Freij said that this has proved to be very successful in terms of internal affairs in the country.

However, he added that there was a settlement that was reached that required Lebanon to steer clear of any and all interventions from outside its borders. Yet, this specific clause was never actually implemented.

Previously, the Future Movement’s General Secretary, Nader Hariri, and the Foreign Minister, Jebran Bassil, reached an agreement that would ensure that there was no meddling from abroad. This agreement mentioned interference from Iranian regime specifically.

President Aoun should have enforced this decision, especially with Hezbollah. But Lebanese sovereignty was not respected, nor was it protected, and foreign meddling started to happen. He said that it started off with comments by the President of Iranian regime, Hassan Rouhani, who said that it had won the axis that led to Lebanon and Syria.

De Freij said that he expected the political crisis in Lebanon that was sparked by the resignation of the Prime Minister will be a long and arduous one. He added: “We should delicately examine the comments of the two Saudi ministers Adel Al-Jubeir and Thamer al-Sabhan. There is no government without the approval of Prime Minister Saad Hariri.”

Iran has been meddling in many different parts of the Middle East and its influence is growing with the help of numerous proxy groups and militias.

Iranian regime has been involved in the Syrian civil war since it started years ago and it has considerable sway over Syrian dictator Bashar al Assad. Iran has provided Assad with anything that he has need to stay in power thus far, including personnel, weapons, arms, training and finances.

The international community is gradually realising the malign effect that Iranian regime is having on the numerous crises in the Middle East. President Donald Trump has been very outspoken about Iran’s behaviour and yesterday the French President Emmanuel Macron affirmed his country’s stance about continuing to deal with Iran’s belligerence in a firm manner.