Iran Regime’s Fingerprints Found on Chokehold of Middle East


NCRI Staff

NCRI – The fingerprints of the Iranian Regime can be found all over their crime scenes in the Middle East, from Yemen to Lebanon to Gaza to Kuwait, and they must be brought to justice.

In the two years since the Saudi-led international coalition entered Yemen to bring stability and reinstate the legitimate Yemeni government of President Abd Rabbo Mansour Hadi, the Houthi rebel group who deposed Yemen’s ruler has grown from a lightly armed, semi-political faction into a fully-fledged terrorist organisation.

Now the Houthi rebels are able to launch ballistic missiles towards other countries in the Middle East, like Saudi Arabia, and plant sophisticated sea mines in the Red Sea and the Bab Al Mandab Strait, which poses a significant threat to all sea-going vessels using the Suez Canal.

But how have they been able to transform and expand so fast? With a little help from the Iranian Regime.

While the Iranian Regime was negotiating the 2015 nuclear deal with diplomats from the five permanent members of the United Security Council, along with Germany and the European Union, it was simultaneously working on a secret missile programme and increasing its naval and submarine capabilities.

Now that it has the sanctions relief it wanted, the Iranian Regime is ignoring UN Security Council resolutions condemning the supplying of arms to the Houthis, calling against Iran’s ballistic missile programme, and authorising the Saudi Arabia-led coalition.

The Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) turned political dissidents into trained terrorists who can build bombs and recruit others, while the world was distracted by the so-called “moderate” President Hassan Rouhani.

Hezbollah is fighting to keep the dictator Bashar Al Assad in power in Syria on behalf of Iranian regime, whilst in their home country of Lebanon they are exercising great control over the government. Essentially, thanks to Hezbollah, Iran now has control in Syria and Lebanon.

In Gaza, Iran has worked to increase the divide amongst Palestinians rather than allow them to remain united against their enemies and occupiers. Whilst in Kuwait, the IRGC has ensured that terrorists remain active.

Gulf News wrote: “Simply put, Iran’s expansionist designs in the region need to be contained. For too long, in too many ways, Tehran has interfered, subtly, actively and violently from Yemen to the Mediterranean. That is the challenge now for all Arabs and others in the international community. The UAE has said it will not stand idle under the shadow of Iran’s threat. Others should follow suit, to rein in Iran.”

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