Iran regime recruiting Afghan mercenaries to fight in Syria – BBC

The Iranian regime has recruited and sent Afghan fighters to fight for Syria’s dictator Bashar al-Assad, according to a new documentary by the BBC.

Among the many images of suffering that have emerged from the conflict in Syria are videos that appear to show young Afghan men, bruised and bloodied and held prisoner by anti-government rebels, the BBC says. The fighters say they were paid by the Iranian government to fight for al-Assad, and promised passports and jobs if they survive.

In the Afghan capital, Kabul, one 22-year old among a group of jobless men told the BBC what happened to him in Iran.

“They gathered lots of us together with the promise of jobs and ID cards. But once we got there we were offered something different – to go and fight in Syria. I refused,” he said.

An Afghan mother whose son was recruited to fight in Syria told the BBC: “Many boys are going right now. They are jobless and told they will be given money and a house. Even if they die they think their families will have a comfortable life.”

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