Iran Regime MP Admits Presence of Terrorist Quds Force Commander in Aleppo


NCRI – Member of Iranian regime’s parliament on Wednesday December 21 admitted that Qassem Soleimani, commander of terrorist Quds Force, was present in Syria and said his trip to Aleppo was done at the request of Syrian government officials.

Javad Karimi Qodousi, member of the parliament’s security commission, in an interview with Mizan news agency affiliated to the regime’s Judiciary said “We will never obey or adhere to the oppressive and unjust laws of international system” and reiterated: “Qassem Soleimani’s trip to the city of Aleppo in Syria was done at the request of the Syrian government officials in order to provide strategic guidelines and military cooperation. Therefore, the U.S. officials cannot do anything legally and politically in this regard.”

It should be noted that John Kerby, State Department’s spokesperson, said on Monday that Qassem Soleimani’s trip outside Iran is violation of the Security Council’s resolution 2231. He reiterated that the resolution mentions Soleimani’s name in the sanctions list as a natural person facing travel ban and asset freeze.

Continuing the interview, Javad Qodousi claimed: “May the day comes when Commander Soleimani attends New York and London without the permission of Americans because huge developments are emerging in the U.S. and Europe driving the people of these countries to Islam.”

Following occupation of Aleppo and the killings and massacre of the city’s innocent people by Iranian regime mercenaries and affiliated militias with Russian air support, the images of the terrorist Quds Force commander in Aleppo were published in social networks and Persian-language websites.

Indeed, the mullahs ruling Iran wanted to express in their own believe sabre-rattling or show of power saying it was Iran regime that occupied Aleppo, but it is clear to all that if it wasn’t for Russian airstrikes and heavy bombing, the Iranian regime and its affiliated militias and mercenaries would have never been able to achieve this so-called “victory” at the expense of killings and massacre of innocent people of Aleppo and destruction of the city.

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