Iran regime meddling in Lebanon – Jumblatt

NCRI – According to the Lebanese Daily Star, Walid Jumblatt, member of the Lebanese parliament revealed a joint plot by the Iranian regime and Syria to alter the Lebanese map in order to take advantage of the situation. Jumbalat spoke to visitors to his mountain refuge of Mukhtara on Sunday.

Jumbalat stressed that the Shebaa Farms is not Lebanese but in fact Syrian and that Syria had altered the maps pushing the borderline to show that Shebaa Farms is Lebanese and this way the resistance against the Israeli occupation of a supposedly Lebanese territory would be justified.

Jumblatt explained that in this way, "Syria and Iran could extend their influence in Lebanon through the continuation of militants’ role."
Jumblatt added that Hariri "was not convinced of the 2001 forged map and that is one of the reasons why he was assassinated."

Jumblatt reiterated that Lebanon "continues to be a hostage of Syrian and Iranian greed."

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