Iran regime meddling in Iraqi elections angered groups – MEP

NCRI – Iraq’s democratic parties demand free elections under the supervision of international observers, said Paulo Casaca, member of the European Parliament and the president of the EP delegation to NATO, in a statement in Brussels issued yesterday. He also called for disarmament of armed militia forces in Iraq.

He said: "I have received several phone calls as well as electronic mail from Iraq, exposing massive rigging of the Iraqi elections.”

He noted a large volume of evidence compiled by the Iraqi Organization for Free Elections indicating widespread fraud in the elections.

In reference to a statement by Mr. Adnan Duleimi, leader of the Iraqi Consensus Front, Casaca said that in one district in Baghdad with only 400,000 eligible voters, the Iraqi High Commissioner for Elections – which is controlled by the Iranian regime – had counted more than one million ballots in favor of the Iranian regime backed groups.

The statement also referred to the announcement by Dr. Saleh Mutlak, from the Iraqi Front for National Dialogue – the most important Iraqi party in several areas across the country – of his refusal to accept the results due to election fraud and endorsed his demand for free elections under the international supervision.

The absence of proper international monitoring and the ever more heavy presence of armed militias backed by the Iranian regime in the electoral process turned it impossible to have free and democratic elections in Iraq, Casaca said.

He regretted that the present policy of appeasement allowed the expansionism of the Iranian regime to transform Iraq – or the large part of it under its control – into a puppet state, and made our world less free and considerably more insecure.

In conclusion he called on the Western political powers to make a rapid and in-depth revision of their policies towards Iran in light of the current developments.

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