Iran regime meddling in Iraq condemned by jurists and lawyers

NCRI – 2000 Iraqi jurists and lawyers signed a statement saying that their country’s independence, sovereignty and the formation of a national unity government is closely tied to expulsion of the Iranian regime from Iraq.

Iraqi dailies, Azzaman and Al-Haghaegh, published the statement by the Iraqi jurists and lawyers in their Wednesday’s issue.

The statement in part reads: "Following 3 years of occupation, our country is at a crucial juncture of its history. The present lack of security which is due to the new political circumstances has not yet allowed Iraqi citizens to participate in reconstruction of their country. Violence, killings, crimes and misdeeds overwhelm."

The statement declares that everybody blames Iranian infiltrated agents and the interior ministry for crimes and atrocities committed in Iraq daily.

Copies of the statement were sent to the UN Secretary General, the EU, the Arab League, member states of the Organization of Islamic Conference and many UN member states. 

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