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HomeIran News NowLatest News on Iranian TerrorismIran Regime Is Explicitly Formulating the Sectarianism Plan in Syria

Iran Regime Is Explicitly Formulating the Sectarianism Plan in Syria


NCRI – The member of the National Coalition for Syrian Revolution and Opposition Forces: The Iranian regime intends to occupy Kaaba by its sectarianism plan

Al-Arabiya television had an interview with the member of the National Coalition for Syrian Revolution and Opposition Forces, Osama Taljo.

Al-Arabiya: what are your view and concern regarding the residents of East of Aleppo who are being relocated?


I hope that the process of relocation will be carried out successfully. In fact, this process began with crime and we fear that the plan is associated with other crimes as well since the Iranian officials were forced to accept this agreement so they are unwilling to implement it. Consequently, they are likely to do anything.

First, international observers must be present during the relocation process, because we do not trust any party other than international partners.

Second, the number of those who are being relocated is scarce. This process would take a month to be completed. Due to this slow process, the residents will remain without enough food, medicine, and water. They do not have necessary resources to live in this one month.

Therefore, we initially call for airlifting the humanitarian aids to our people until the process of relocation takes place. Second, the international observers should be present during the relocation process in order to ensure the safety and security of citizens.

Third, according to the ceasefire agreement, the families who want to stay in the town shall be under the international protection so that they will be safe from the militants that are currently in Aleppo.

If the United Nations had delivered humanitarian aids to Aleppo, we would not have been at this point. This applies to all besieged areas as well. If the United Nations had carried out its duty, we would not have witnessed the forced immigrations and displacements. That is why the United Nations is involved in these crimes.

Al-Arabiya: the issue is about the future of Aleppo. Mr. Staffan de Mistura warns against the repetition of scenario in Idlib? What is your opinion?

Osama: we are now talking about the people of Aleppo. If the international community does not react to the crisis in Syria, in fact, the current incidents and calamities are also terrible crimes. There are 250 thousand people in Aleppo and 3 million in Idlib. Where do all these people go? Is Europe capable of receiving 3 million people? Is Turkey able to provide security for this number of people? Therefore, it is difficult to understand how the international community deals with the crisis in Syria. The international community usually waits for an incident to occur and then it deals with it. They must consider taking actions against the crisis in Idlib and Ghouta as they are targeted by the enemies.

Nevertheless, the forced immigrations, changing the population texture and the sectarianism are the plans of the Iranian regime. The Iranian militants occupied a neighborhood known as Hanano a few days ago and they have established religious centers there.

Therefore, Iran is explicitly formulating the sectarianism plan. They plan to reach the Kaaba. They targeted Mecca with missiles a few weeks ago. I am wondering why the world does not stand against this barbaric regime? The Arabic world must know that they are threatened by the Iranian regime as long as these barbarians are in power.