Iran regime continues to send weapons, money to groups in Iraq

NCRI – A new U.S. military report says Iranian regime is continuing to funnel weapons and money to Shiite militants across Iraq, the Wall Street Journal reported on Tuesday.

The U.S. military report that reserved the harshest words for Iran described its regime meddling as the "greatest long-term threat to Iraqi security."

The Pentagon report also noted that the number of attacks featuring a particularly lethal form of roadside bomb that are coming from Iran reached a high in April, while the number of attacks involving Iranian-supplied rockets rose sharply over the same period.

Iranian regime has been facilitating the "large-scale trafficking of arms, ammunition, and explosives," and helping to "fund, train, arm and guide numerous networks that conduct wide-scale insurgency operations," according to the report.

The Wall Street Journal's article noted that "the Pentagon report is likely to fuel aggressive rhetoric about Iran from Democrats and Republicans. Presidential candidates John McCain and Barack Obama have each described Iran as the pre-eminent threat to the U.S. and threatened to strike Iran if Tehran fails to abandon its nuclear efforts."

"Republican Sen. McCain has long been hawkish on Iran, while Democratic Sen. Obama has begun replacing his earlier talk of meeting with Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad with muscular comments about doing 'everything in my power to prevent Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon.'"

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