Iran Regime, and Its Revolutionary Guards (IRGC) Terrorist Quds Force, Should Leave Iraq


NCRI – Trump’s government intends to release Iraq from the dominance of Iran and its backed-up militants. Stated Middle East affairs analyst, Hassan Hashemian, in an interview with Sky News.

In response to the question that does Trump’s stances affect the equation of sovereignty in Iraq or not? Hassan Hashemian said: “the deal between Iraq and US which was signed by Obama could be changed. Trump can alter, modify the deal or take some points into consideration. Regarding the issue of Iraq, the question is whether the current Iraqi government defends the Iraq’s oil or not? Does the government produce oil for the Iraqi people? These are the legitimate questions from the current government of Iraq.”

Hassan Hashemian added: “Trumps’ government believes that the US is responsible for the incidents that happened in Iraq and it actually has to adjust the process in this regard. Obama made many mistakes in Iraq and Trump has to rectify them as he holds the power in the US.”

This analyst stressed that Iraq’s oil cannot be used to create a militia. Iraq’s oil cannot be allocated to Qasem Soleimani and the Iranian Revolutionary Guards (IRGC).

As the Iraqi Prime Minister stated: Iraq’s oil belongs to Iraqis according to the constitution, Hassan Hashemian reflected his idea regarding this matter and stated: “Trump does not intend to capture Iraq’s oil; instead he intends to assign US forces in order to protect oil installations as well as petroleum. The US entered Iraq and lost billions of dollars but what benefits did the US gain? Those who govern Iraq would have lost their position if the US had not interfered in Iraq’s affairs. Trump claims that the US government has squandered billions of dollars on Iraq while this country is currently governed by the Iranian regime and its backed-up militants. Trump believes that this governance and dominance shall be changed.”


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