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HomeIran News NowLatest News on Iranian TerrorismIran regime ambassador should be expelled from Lebanon, says Jumblatt

Iran regime ambassador should be expelled from Lebanon, says Jumblatt

ImageNCRI – Walid Jumblatt, a leading member of Lebanon’s ruling coalition, at a news conference on Saturday in Beirut called for expulsion of Iranian regime’s ambassador and a ban on flights from Iran to Lebanon.

"Iranian flights to Beirut should be stopped because Iranian planes might be bringing in money and military equipment," said Jumblatt, Progressive Socialist Party leader. "The Iranian ambassador should be expelled from Lebanon."

Walid Jumblatt also warned that that he and parliament majority leader Saad Hariri could be targets of assassination. He said Hezbollah is monitoring the traffic of politicians' executive jets with hidden cameras at the airport, possibly to assassinate them.

"I am not afraid at all but at the same time I had to confirm the information before people walk in my funeral or walk in the funeral of Saad Hariri or others because it seems they are preparing for something," he said.

Meanwhile, Lebanese daily, an-Nahar, published a report from the Lebanese Army's intelligence agency stating that a camera was found in the last week of April directed at the airport’s runway.

In a related development, three Iranians and a Lebanese man living in Hezbollah-controlled south Beirut were arrested last week on charges of monitoring the residence of Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea in Meerab, security sources reported Friday.

One of the Iranian suspects said in his testimony that he visits Lebanon because he is married to a Lebanese woman. The two others said they were students at the Beirut Arab University and the Islamic University, respectively.

The three, however, did not know Arabic and asked for interpretation to Farsi during their interrogation, which sounded strange, especially after claiming that they were students at the universities that teach in Arabic only.

The report is based on wire news dispatches