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HomeIran News NowLatest News on Iranian TerrorismIran-MidEast: Khamenei urges Hamas to keep up resistance

Iran-MidEast: Khamenei urges Hamas to keep up resistance

Hamas Politburo chief Khaled MishaalUnited Press International, TEHRAN – Iran’s spiritual guide, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, called on Hamas not to negotiate with Israel and to stick to their armed resistance to achieve liberation.

Speaking at a meeting with visiting Hamas Politburo chief Khaled Mishaal, the Iranian News Agency, IRNA, December 13, quoted Khamenei as saying, "the experience of the last 50 years shows that making concessions to the Zionist occupants and entering negotiations with them did not make things better.
"That is why victory and success can only be achieved through resistance and steadfastness," Khamenei said.
He stressed that "the successes achieved by the Palestinian people in the past few years, especially the eviction of the Zionists from Gaza, is the result of resistance and jihad against the Zionist entity (Israel)."
He also emphasized that "the only guarantee for liberating Palestinian territory and securing the future of the Palestinian people is through maintaining firm resistance while safeguarding unity and sticking to the principles of Islam."
Khamenei noted that the enemies of the Palestinian people are suffering from political and economic problems.
"They were defeated in the past in Lebanon, they were forced to withdraw from Gaza and with God’s help the Palestinian people and their resistance movement will evict them from holy Jerusalem tomorrow," Khamenei added.
Mishaal has been visiting Iran since Sunday as part of a tour of Arab and Islamic countries to consolidate relations and seek support for the Palestinian cause and brief their leaders on the situation in the Palestinian territories, a Hamas statement said.