Iran is problem not the solution

The Sun [Editorial], November 14 – Tony Blair is right to warn Iran or Syria of the “consequences” of failing to help stop the daily bloodshed in Iraq.

He is also right to insist that America must stand firm against the threat of global Islamic extremism.

But Teheran’s fanatical President Ahmadinejad is not the solution to Iraqi slaughter, he is a major part of the problem.

He believes he is the 21st century embodiment of a long dead holy man who has been put on earth to convert the world to Islam.

That is why he intends to acquire nukes and use them if necessary — starting with his promise to wipe Israel off the face of the earth.

There is little room for negotiation here.

As for Syria, it is led by a weak man who will dance to the tune of whoever among the real leaders in Damascus holds a gun to his head.

Mr Blair cleverly used his olive branch to the two anti-western states by challenging them to show just where they stand on Middle East peace.

We already know where they stand.

They want America humiliated — and have succeeded by splitting US voters and giving Democrats the whip hand in the White House.

But the Democrats have nothing to say about Iraq, except: “Get us out of here.”

This yelp of anguish is music to the ears of Muslim extremists.

They believe they destroyed one superpower, the once-mighty Soviet Union, in Afghanistan.

Now they think they can bring the USA to its knees in Iraq.

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