Iran: IRGC commander says today’s war targets the regime

NCRI – The commander of Iranian regime’s Revolutionary Guards warned on Saturday that the enemies are targeting the beliefs ‘to take over the Islamic Republic of Iran’s Establishment.’

Speaking to a group of IRGC members in Qazvin, Major General Mohammad Ali Jafari said: ‘today’s war is not over water and land, the war is over the belief and the enemy is trying to take over the Islamic Republic of Iran’s Establishment.’

Therefore, ‘the IRGC is after breaking organizational and bureaucratic boundaries and every IRGC member must determine the status of its unit.’

He described the IRGC’s role during the 1980-1988 Iran-Iraq war as an example and said ‘today’s ideological war will only succeed with active participation of a force that is popular’ similar to Basij and the ‘IRGC is after retrieval of that.’

Jafari’s remarks once again demonstrates that the Iranian regime sees a popular uprising by the Iranian people as the main threat to the regime’s survival therefore is urging to transform IRGC toward a paramilitary force similar to Basij by ‘breaking organizational and bureaucratic boundaries.’

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