IRAN: IRGC commander, cleric and Pakistani mercenaries killed in Syria


During the past few days, a number of members of the Iranian regime’s Revolutionary Guards and its foreign mercenaries, who have recently been killed in Syria while fighting for Bashar Al-Assad, have been buried in the Iranian cities of Qum and Mashhad over the past few days.

Those buried included a cleric and a number of citizens of Pakistan. IRGC commander Hadi Kajbaf was killed in Syria while commanding IRGC forces fighting in the Basr Alharir area in the Daraa province of Syria.

The bodies of a group of five Pakistani nationals dispatched to Syria by the Iranian regime’s Revolutionary Guards were buried in the Iranian city of Qom on Thursday.

The IRGC mercenaries were identified as Norowz Ali Darvish, Hadi Hossein, Taher Hossein, Shahadat Ali and Seyed Razi Shah.  The five, who were originally from Parachinar in Pakistan, were buried in Iran.

Military and security officials and members of the regime’s parliament attended the burial in which the participants chanted slogans such as “Death to America” and “Death to Saudis.”

On Friday, a burial was held in Qom for an Iranian cleric identified as Mohammad Mehdi Malaniri. A report by a state-run news agency in Iran said he had also been killed in the Basr Alharir area in the Daraa province of Syria three days previously.

On Thursday another burial was held in city of Mashhad for a group of mercenaries killed in Syria.  A state-run news agency published photos of the burial without providing any information on affiliations, nationalities or identities of those killed.

The burial was held for at least three men – Seyed Ahmad Ahmadi, Morteza Ahmadi and Mohamad Reza Rahmati.

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