Iran: Germany Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution 2019 Highlights Iran Regime’s Terrorist Attempts Against MEK

Germany Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution 2019 Highlights Iran Regime’s Terrorist Attempts Against MEK
Germany Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution 2019 Highlights Iran Regime’s Terrorist Attempts Against MEK

The Bundesamt für Verfassungsschutz (BfV), the domestic intelligence service of the Federal Republic of Germany, in its annual report of 2019 highlighted the Iranian regime’s terrorist activities abroad particularly against the Iranian opposition People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK).  

The report, which was published on July 9, 2019, during a press conference, cited its 2018 versions as saying: “On 1 July 2018, a diplomat accredited with the Iranian Embassy in Vienna was arrested in Germany on a European arrest warrant issued by the Belgian law enforcement authorities. The diplomat, a suspected MOIS agent, is accused of masterminding a planned bombing of an annual gathering in France of an organization opposed to the Iranian regime. The Iranian diplomat is thought to have recruited a Belgian husband and wife of Iranian origin as agents to carry out the bombing. The German judicial authorities extradited the suspect to Belgium in early October 2018. The GBA’s investigation in Germany continues, as does the investigation in Belgium.”  

Asadollah Assadi, the regime’s terrorist diplomat, was arrested in early July 2018 while attempting to bomb the annual “Free Iran” gathering in Paris of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI). This event was attended by thousands of Iranians, MEK supporters, and many renowned politicians and Members of Parliaments from both sides of the Atlantic.  

At that time the NCRI had revealed: “The decision to commit this major terrorist crime was taken at the highest level of the regime, i.e. the Supreme Security Council, with the presence of Rouhani and Zarif, and was confirmed by Khamenei. The submissive efforts of the Iranian regime and the lobbyists and regime allies to blame this terrorist act to the fake self-acting circles within the regime and to acquit Rouhani’s faction or Khamenei is so unfounded that with the slightest investigation its factitiousness is revealed.”

The BFV report about the Iranian regime’s ongoing terrorism underlines this fact that the European countries should take the regime’s terrorism seriously and the danger it poses to the security in Europe.  

Gholamreza Mesbahi-Moghadam of State Expediency Council in an interview with the official Mehr News said: “Europe wants to feel safe knowing we will not divert nuclear project. We should not allow US efforts for the extension of the UN arms embargo to succeed… Europe should not feel safe.” 

Parallel to its terrorist activities, the regime has increased its disinformation campaign against the MEK by using those who disguised themselves as “MEK former members or critics”, as well as publishing fake news and forging emails. In addition, the regime has been using a network of its so-called “friendly journalists” to spread its baseless allegations against the Iranian Resistance. A court in Hamburg ruled in favor of the Iranian Resistance, ordering he Frankfurter Allgemeiner Zeitung to remove allegations against the MEK in its May 13 article. This was not only a setback for the regime’s propaganda against the MEK but also showed the regime’s and its apologists’ fear of the Iranian opposition.  While pursuing its demonization campaign abroad the regime has increased its oppressive measures against the MEK supporters inside Iran. On July 9, the NCRI in a statement in this regard wrote: “The Iranian regime’s Ministry of Intelligence and Security (MOIS) and the Judiciary have begun to arrest and issue prison sentences for the supporters and families of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) and those who have signed the statement of incarcerated and released prisoners. The desperate effort comes after the failure of the anti-MEK slanders and a fake petition signed by 8,000 so-called families of the MEK members and on the eve of the Iranian Resistance’s Free Iran Global Summit in solidarity with the Iranian people’s uprising.”  

The BFV report and the regime’s recent activities confirm the regime’s need to target its main opposition group, the MEK, to somehow avoid its imminent downfall. Riddled with crises, such as facing a restive society, COVID-19 pandemic, increasing international isolation along with the MEK’s Resistance Units activities expanding across Iran, the regime sees its downfall near. Therefore, the mullahs’ regime desperately tries through its apologists to demonize and discredit the regime’s only viable alternative, the MEK and NCRI, abroad, spreading this notion that there is no alternative to this regime. Meanwhile by terrorism abroad and oppression inside Iran tries to physically eliminate the Resistance movement.  

As the regime increases its oppression, it is important to support the Iranian people and their organized resistance. In this regard, Iranian Resistance will hold its annual “Free Iran Global Summit” on July 17 to support the MEK Resistance Units and the risen people of Iran. The international community should stand with the Iranian people and their organized Resistance in the struggle for freedom and democracy and support the activities of the MEK’s Resistance Units and the viable alternative to the mullahs’ regime. 

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