Iran: German security agency unveils mullahs’ spying activities on dissidents

NCRI – The German security agency, the Office for the Protection of the Constitution (Bfv) released its annual report on May 22. The report notes the activities of the Iranian Resistance, its rallies, demonstrations and major meetings in Germany in the year 2005.

According to the report, the activities of the resistance concentrates on its efforts to introduce Mrs. Maryam Rajavi’s plan for democratic change in Iran as the third option against the policy of appeasement and foreign military intervention on Iran. It also notes that a precondition to a democratic change in Iran, as stated by the resistance, is removal of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI, aka MEK) from the list of terrorist organizations.

The German agency also reports on the Iranian regime’s spying activities in Germany and its efforts to gather information on the PMOI and the National Council of Resistance of Iran.

The report unveiled that the clerical regime’s embassy in Berlin is used as its main base for spying on dissidents, where a number of agents are working under diplomatic cover.

The report added that high ranking embassy officials and even some senior officials in Iran are involved in spying operations through the embassy. It is emphasized that the main objective of the regime’s spying activities is to gather information on dissident groups, particularly the PMOI and the NCRI, and to this end former  members of the groups are used.

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