Iran: Gender segregation must be imposed at universities, regime cleric says

NCRI – Gender segregation must be imposed at all Iranian universities, where western culture must be replaced with the ‘Islamic faith’, a senior regime cleric has declared.

Nouri Hamedani said: “The atmosphere of the universities must be a mixture of Islamic faith with science. Science without Islamic morals is just a tool to deviate people.

“The culture and atmosphere of the universities are westernized because they were under the authority of the West in the past and they have unfortunately built people with a freemasonry ideology.

“Therefore, study books of human science that are based on ideas of the West must be removed and replaced with human science books based on the Islamic culture.”

Hamedani also stress the need for gender segregation at universities, and said students must avoid political activities, which would be ‘firmly dealt with’.

He also highlighted that Eastern culture must replace Western cultures, adding: “The atmosphere of the universities in the Islamic Republic must be Islamic.”

His comments came as a survey on gender segregation in universities in the cities of Ardebil and Tabriz revealed all students except those in the Basij paramilitary forces were against it. The gender segregation plan has been held up in Iran due widespread student protests in opposition to it.



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