Iran: Emboldened mullahs blackmail on eve of nuclear talks

NCRI – Brigadier General Masoud Jazayeri, deputy chief of staff of Iranian regime armed forces, resorted to blackmail on the eve of Almaty nuclear talks and threatened the US and Europe of “creating new troubles” and “hard lessons”.

 He said: “Al-Qaeda groups and other services that do their operations in line with the US will soon change their operations environment to other locations and from now on new troubles will be created for the US and Europe”.

“Technologies that some of these groups possess these days give them the ability to threaten the US facilities. Now the world has shrunk and the ability to access other parts of the world is within reach for many,” he added.

This is an unprecedented admission of communication and coordination between the mullahs’ regime and Al-Qaeda.

The mullahs’ regime, which has been emboldened due to endless Western countries’ negotiations, is threatening the people of Europe and the US.

This IRGC commander said: “If the people of Europe and the US do not deal with ambitious and aggressive behavior of their governments, they cannot be far from potential future challenges.”

He also threatened to increase meddling in the countries of the region. He said: “Today, contrary to the past, more countries have full access to other countries and this issue is particularly important in military dimension and has changed the deals, and if the aggressive governments do not want to accept this fact, the history will teach them a hard lesson.” (ILNA News agency – February 23, 2013)

These blackmails indicate that this regime does not comply with any principle and law, and continuation of negotiations with criminal rulers of Iran has only emboldened them. An ominous policy that has resulted to the loss of lives of thousands of innocent people in Iran and various countries in the world.

The way to stop state sponsored terrorism by the Iranian regime, which is poised to acquire nuclear bomb, is not negotiations and offering “substantial and serious” concessions from the western countries and giving ransom to the killers of the Iranian people, but to have concrete and binding measures by the United Nations Security Council and imposing comprehensive sanctions against this regime and prosecution of its leaders for crimes against humanity.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
February 25, 2013

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