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Iran Air: A Tool of Regime Control and Terrorism, Revealed by Recent Intelligence

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Recent revelations have shed light on the extent of control exerted by the Iranian regime’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) over Iran Air, ostensibly a national airline. According to reports from The Telegraph and Die Welt, Brigadier Shamseddin Farzadipour, a senior commander from the IRGC, has been secretly running Iran Air since April 2022. This revelation comes amidst growing concerns over the regime’s involvement in the proliferation of missiles and military equipment to its proxies in the Middle East and Russia.

Brigadier Farzadipour’s background as the former aviation commander for the IRGC’s Aerospace force highlights the close ties between Iran Air and the military. He was known for flying transport planes, including Soviet-era Ilyushin-76 aircraft, between Iran and Syria, facilitating the delivery of supplies to the Quds Force, which supports the regime of Bashar al-Assad.

The National Council of Resistance of Iran has uncovered evidence indicating that Iran Air has long been utilized by the Iranian regime to transfer money, weapons, and equipment to its proxies, including Hezbollah and the Houthis. This abuse of a civilian airline for military and terrorist purposes underscores the regime’s disregard for international norms and regulations.

European leaders, including those from France, Germany, and the Netherlands, along with the United States, have called for measures against Iran Air and other entities involved in illicit activities. However, the European Union’s top foreign diplomat, Josep Borrell, has been hesitant to impose new sanctions, fearing potential damage to diplomatic efforts with Tehran.

Die Welt’s report provides additional insights into Iran Air’s role in facilitating terrorism. The airline has allegedly been used to plan and execute terrorist operations in Europe, including the thwarted bomb attack on an opposition rally in Paris in 2018. Additionally, evidence points to Iran Air’s involvement in the assassination of Iranian dissidents, including Kazem Rajavi in Switzerland in 1990.

The revelations underscore the urgent need for decisive action against Iran Air and the entities behind its illicit activities. Calls for the IRGC to be designated as a terrorist organization by the EU and for renewed sanctions on Iran’s nuclear program have gained traction in light of these revelations.

As Western countries grapple with crises in the Middle East and Europe, the Iranian regime’s malign activities continue to pose a significant challenge. By exploiting civilian airlines for military and terrorist purposes, the Iranian regime demonstrates its willingness to flout international law and norms to advance its agenda of repression and extremism.