Hollow threats of the speaker of the mullahs’ parliament

following revelation of the mullahs’ regime involvement in the massacre in Syria
and attempts to prevent decisive international action against Syrian dictatorship
Ali Larijani, speaker of the mullahs’ parliament, following revelation of the mullahs’ regime involvement in crimes against humanity in Syria and fearful of decisive international action against atrocities of the Syrian dictator, made hollow threats and said,

 “A new brutality is observed in recent statements by U.S. officials and their actions and by some Western countries against Syria … Syria does not have the conditions of Libya and “making Benghazi” in Syria will be drawn into Palestine and the ashes of this fire  will definitely cover the Zionist regime ” (Iranian Revolutionary Guards FARS News -10 May).

Three days earlier, according to state news agency ISNA on May 27 Guard Brigadier Qaany, the deputy of Soleimani, leader of the terrorist Qods Force, in an unprecedented confession, said: “If the Islamic Republic was not present in Syria, killing of people would have been multiplied several times. When we were not in Syria, killing of people by the opponents was large scale, but with the physical and non physical presence of the Islamic Republic, great massacres in Syria were prevented.” Qaany, who was a leader in terrorist and aggression operations in other countries since the creation of the Quds Force, said: “Despite all the problems that the Syrian government does have …But Syria is the geography of the resistance. …. Islamic awakening is not only limited to Qods Force, but this force with other forces, did its work this will continue.” The mullahs’ regime quickly removed this statement from government websites.

These terrorist and hollow blackmailing against the international community, reflects the mullahs’ regime fears of break up of its regional front due to the uprising in Syria. A front that the regime for more than 30 years has invested tens of billions of dollars in it and has been the main tool for exporting terrorism and fundamentalism in the region and the regime’s blackmailing at the international level.

The Iranian resistance, recalling that the central banker of terrorism and fundamentalism in the world and especially in the Middle East is religious fascism ruling Iran, emphasizes on the fact that as long as the and the only way to deal with it, is to apply a firm policy, including comprehensive sanctions and referring the case of its export of terrorism and human rights violations to the United Nations Security Council.

Secretariat of National Council of Resistance of Iran

June 1st, 2012

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