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HomeIran News NowLatest News on Iranian TerrorismHezbollah will stay in Syria as long as needed, group's leader says

Hezbollah will stay in Syria as long as needed, group’s leader says

Lebanese Hezbollah leader kissing hand of Khamenei
NCRI – Lebanese Hezbollah will keep fighting in Syria to support the Syrian dictator against Syrian people as long as necessary, the group’s leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah said on Thursday.

“As long as the reasons (to fight in Syria) remain, our presence there will remain,” Nasrallah said in a speech in southern Beirut, Reuters reported.

“Our fighters are present on Syrian soil…to confront all the dangers it faces from the international, regional and takfiri attack on this country and region,” Nasrallah said.

But his comments on Thursday marked his second public appearance in 24 hours, after a speech on Wednesday evening when he accused some Arab countries of standing alongside Israel in opposing attempts to reach an international agreement with Iran over its nuclear program.

“What is the alternative to an understanding between Iran and the countries of the world? The alternative is war in the region,” Nasrallah said on Wednesday night.

Qasem Suleimani, the Commander of the Iranian regime’s terrorist Qods Force, in September acknowledged that Hezbollah of Lebanon is the creation of the Iranian regime.

In a conference at the presence of state-run media on September 14, he said: “Hezbollah is the blessed offspring of the Islamic Republic.”

Hassan Rouhani’s defense minister is one of the founders of the Lebanese Hezbollah terrorist group, regime websites revealed in August.

In July Hassan Rouhani sent messages to Lebanon’s militant Hezbollah group, reaffirming support for the group.