Hezbollah, One of Iran Regime’s Most Dangerous Weapons


NCRI Staff

NCRI – The Saudi Foreign Minister Adel al-Jubeir accused the Iran-backed Hezbollah of hijacking Lebanon, noting that it is the root of all of Lebanon’s problems, on Thursday, November 16.

He said, during a joint press conference with his French counterpart Jean-Yves Le Drian, that Hezbollah’s continuous interferences in the affairs of other Arab countries- which they do mostly at the behest of the Iranian Regime- will only worsen the situation in Lebanon.

He also described Hezbollah as one of Iran’s most dangerous weapons- something that even Hassan Nasrallah, Hezbollah’s secretary general, has publically acknowledged- which is a major threat to the security of Lebanon and the Middle East.

He said that practical measures must be found to deal with Hezbollah before Iran uses them to destroy the region.


The Lebanese Prime Minister Saad Hariri resigned earlier this month- in a shock conference from Riyadh- citing fears that the Iranian Regime and Hezbollah were plotting to assassinate him as they did to his father in 2005.

The Lebanese President, Michel Aoun, claimed that Hariri was being detained in Saudi Arabia and forced to resign over a supposed leniency towards Hezbollah and is refusing to accept his resignation until he returns to Lebanon.

Both Saudi Arabia and Hariri have denied this.

Jubeir said that Hariri, a key Saudi ally, was free to go as he wished but feared that returning to Lebanon would mean that Iran and Hezbollah would kill him for speaking out.

Le Drian said that he would be meeting with Hariri later on Thursday, and that Hariri would be received in France as an ally whenever he could visit. He also said that France was concerned with maintaining stability in Lebanon and welcomed Saudi Arabia’s commitment to that.

Further evidence of Iran’s worrying behaviour

The meeting between Jubeir and Le Drian addressed the growing problem of Iranian interference across the Middle East, how to combat terrorism, and the ongoing crisis in Lebanon.

Le Drian said that France was extremely concerned over Iran’s regional domination and interferences.

They also discussed the 2015 nuclear agreement with Iran and six world powers (including France) which could soon fall apart if Donald Trump pulls the US out.

During the press conference, Jubeir thanked the French government for its condemnation of the ballistic missile that was fired at the Saudi capital on November 4. The missile was fired from the Iran-backed Houthis in Yemen, most likely on the orders of the Regime.

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