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HomeIran News NowLatest News on Iranian TerrorismGermany To Investigate Iran’s Diplomat-Terrorist Assadi’s Role in Orchestrating Terrorism and Espionage

Germany To Investigate Iran’s Diplomat-Terrorist Assadi’s Role in Orchestrating Terrorism and Espionage

Iran - diplomat-terrorist Assadollah Assadi

A court in Antwerp, Belgium, is set to announce its verdict regarding Iran’s diplomat-terrorist Assadollah Assadi and his three accomplices for their foiled attempt to bomb an opposition rally in France in 2018. Now Assadi faces new charges and is the subject of an investigation by Germany’s authorities.

This new information confirms the Iranian Resistance’s longtime saying that Iran’s embassies are centers of espionage terrorism in Europe.

Assadi and his three accomplices attempted to bomb the annual “Free Iran” gathering of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) in Villepinte, north of Paris, France, in 2018.

Before his arrest, Assadi was working as the third secretary of Iran’s embassy in Vienna. Evidence indicates Assadi was the Iranian regime’s chief intelligence officer, acting on behalf of the regime’s Ministry of Intelligence and Security (MOIS).

Germany’s police arrested Assadi on July 1 before entering Austria, where he served as the third secretary of Iran’s embassy. The German authorities found a green notebook in Assadi’s car with important information about the 2018 bomb plot, Assadi’s actions, travels, and the amounts of money he had given to different operatives.

According to Deutsche Welle Farsi, the German Federal Criminal Court (BKA) is investigating Assadi’s activities on a mission from the German Attorney General.

Based on this notebook, Assadi had at least 289 visits to different countries. One hundred forty-four of these visits were to Germany.

“Investigations by German police, citing documents from the car of Assadollah Assadi, an Iranian diplomat on trial in Belgium, show that Berlin has become the center of the Iranian regime’s intelligence activities in Europe. Assadollah Assadi was arrested in July 2018 in the state of Bavaria,” Al-Arabiya reported on January 22.

Mr. Javad Dabiran, the deputy director of the NCRI’s representative office in Germany, told Al-Arabiya: “The Iranian Resistance has specific information of the Iranian regime’s sleeper cells across Europe, which were commanded by Assadi. The Iranian regime’s MOIS has a network of agents in Europe supported by the regime’s embassies that misuse their diplomatic facilities. Assadollah Assadi was at the head of the Iranian regime’s intelligence network in Europe.”

Javad Dabiran reveals the Assadollah Assadi case
Javad Dabiran reveals the Assadollah Assadi case

“40% and specifically 144 out of 289 meetings of Assadi with his agents were held in Germany. This implies two things. First, a large part of [the regime’s] network is located in Germany, and Germany is the scene of the Iranian regime’s terrorist activities,” Mr. Dabiran added.

On December 7, the NCRI released a statement revealing the regime’s terrorist plot in Germany. This revelation is based on an Iranian letter, identified as “Mr. G.D.,” an Iranian resident of Germany. The regime’s MOIS agents had pressured Mr. G.D. to gather information and “Send pictures and videos from all the [Iranian Resistance’s] offices and homes [in Germany]” and “from (Javad) Dabiran’s office.”

Due to the European leaders’ inaction, the regime has used its diplomatic missions to pursue terrorist activities in Europe.

Assadi has claimed diplomatic immunity since his arrest and denied his connection with the MOIS. Assadi has refused to appear in court. Simultaneously, the regime’s Foreign Minister, Mohammad Javad Zarif, and other apologists of the regime called the 2018 bomb plot “a false flag operation,” or an operation by “rogue elements” within the regime.

During Assadi’s trial sessions on November 27 and December 3, the prosecutors said that since he was working with the MOIS, it can’t be said that this was a rogue operation by an individual, and the entire Iranian establishment was behind it.

Zarif and his Ministry played a direct role in facilitating this bomb plot and were tasked to whitewash and blame it on the Iranian Resistance once it was accomplished.

According to prosecutors, Assadi used his diplomatic passport to transfer explosives from Tehran to Vienna, then handed it over to a terrorist couple, Nasimeh Na’ami and her husband Amir Saadouni, in Luxembourg for the June 30 attack.

Iranian diplomat Assadollah Assadi faces terrorism trial in Belgium court

Despite the undeniable evidence, Assadi and the regime’s Foreign Ministry insisted on Assadi’s diplomatic immunity.

“This is a complicated trap set up using the MEK [People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran] for this Iranian diplomat,” said Saied Khatibzadeh, Foreign Ministry’s spokesperson, on Sunday.

Khatibzadeh claimed Assadi has diplomatic immunity and has been deprived of his “rights,” although he was caught red-handed attempting to commit mass murder. In this regard, the Belgian prosecutors underlined that, according to Austrian law, Belgian authorities were allowed to arrest Assadi since he was planning to commit mass murder. Thus, international law allowed authorities to strip Assadi of his diplomatic immunity and arrest him.

Besides, according to prosecutors, based on Belgium’s 2002 legislation, even if Assadi had diplomatic immunity, Belgian authorities could have arrested him.

New information about Assadi’s role in Europe as the head of the regime’s network of terrorism and espionage and numerous pieces of evidence about his role in the 2018 bomb plot require the European Union to take decisive action against the regime and dismantle its network of espionage and terrorism.

If the 2018 bomb plot had happened, hundreds of Iranians and European citizens and personalities would have been killed. Also, such a large-scale bombing would have jeopardized the EU’s security for a long time.

EU leaders should shut down the Iranian regime’s embassies and so-called cultural centers and expel Iran’s agents. This will set a precedent for the regime and prevent the terrorist regime from continuing its malign activities.
