Frightful of international wrath and hatred for terrorist plot in United States, mullahs’ Intelligence Ministry resorts to nonsense

NCRI – On Monday, October 17, fearful of the escalating international wrath and hatred of the criminal assassination plot of the Saudi Arabian Ambassador and the planned explosions of foreign embassies in the United States, the mullahs’ Intelligence Ministry (MOIS) claimed that the co-culprit in this plot has been a PMOI member.

Following to the disclosure of new details of activities by the terrorist Qods Force in Europe and United States, Mehr website affiliated with the MOIS, in an utterly bogus report wrote: “The co-culprit in the alleged assassination plot of the Saudi Ambassador, is one of the principal members of the PMOI that has travelled to various countries using Iranian passports and other fabricated identity documents.”


In this ludicrous report, after presenting a passport number, the MOIS claimed that the passport had been issued to the co-culprit in Washington in 2006. Then, in a contradiction it writes: “He was last seen in Washington and in Ashraf Base.”
This is a well-known tactic that has been used by the mullahs in the past 30 years where they blame their crimes on their opposition for double gains. They have blamed the PMOI for the murder of Christian priests, instigation of the bloodshed in the holy Mecca, and exploding the shrine of Imam Reza in the city of Mashhad to disgrace their opposition on the one hand and to themselves escape the consequences of their crimes on the other. However, a few years later, during an internal power feud, Iranian regime officials revealed that all these criminal acts had been carried out by regime’s agents themselves. Needless to say, the Iranian people have never believed these lies.

The Iranian Resistance once again iterates on the necessity of an immediate decision by the international community against the rogue terrorism and the systematic and barbaric violation of human rights perpetrated by this regime.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
October 18, 2011

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