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France Tells Diplomats Not to Travel to Iran

France Tells Diplomats Not to Travel to Iran

By Staff Writer

France has told all of its diplomats and foreign ministry officials to indefinitely postpone all non-essential travel to Iran, because of the Iranian Regime’s attempted bombing on a resistance gathering in Paris in June and increased Iranian aggression against France, in a memo seen by Reuters.

The memo said that the terrorist attack, which was thankfully foiled by the European authorities before anyone got hurt, was a sign of Iran’s increased aggression towards France.

Maurice Gourdault-Montagne, the ministry’s secretary general, wrote: “The behaviour of the Iranian authorities suggests a hardening of their position vis-a-vis our country, as well as some of our allies. Given the known security risks … all departmental officers, whether from headquarters or (overseas) posts, are required to defer until further notice, except for urgent work, any travel plans in Iran.”

It is the right thing for France to do, but they should go further and cut ties with the rogue state altogether.

The terrorist attack

On June 30, the Iranian opposition group, the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), held its annual Free Iran rally, where over 100,000 activists, politicians, and dignitaries from all over the world gathered to call for an end to the mullahs’ regime in Iran and support the Iranian Resistance, led by Maryam Rajavi, as the true government of Iran.

The Regime, weakened by months of protests in Iran led by the Resistance, planned to bomb the event and take out their organised opposition forces. The plan was approved by those at the very top levels of the Regime, including President Hassan Rouhani and Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei; although they have, of course, denied all involvement and tried to blame the Iranian Resistance.

The Regime instructed one of their diplomats in Vienna, Assadollah Assadi, to hire the would-be terrorists (an Iranian-born Belgian couple) and supply them with the explosives needed to cause untold injury and death at the gathering.

Thankfully, the couple were arrested in Belgium, with the explosives in their car, before they could carry out the attack. Assadi was arrested in Germany, where he does not have diplomatic immunity, and is set to be extradited to Belgium to face trial.

Attacks on the opposition

This is far from the first time that the Iranian Regime has attempted to get rid of their organised opposition. This August marks the 30th anniversary of the Regime’s 1988 massacre of 30,000 political prisoners, mainly members of the opposition group The People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK); an egregious crime against humanity that Iran has yet to be punished for.