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HomeIran News NowLatest News on Iranian TerrorismFmr. Algerian PM Speaking at Paris Gathering Seeking Iran Regime's Eviction From...

Fmr. Algerian PM Speaking at Paris Gathering Seeking Iran Regime’s Eviction From Middle East


NCRI – On Saturday, June 3, a gathering was held in Paris to mark the holy month of Ramadan, with Iranian opposition leader Maryam Rajavi and a large number of political and religious dignitaries taking part from various Islamic countries and institutions.

The participants all condemned Iran’s meddling in regional neighbors, its fundamentalist and terrorism under the banner of Islam, and describing these measures, especially those by of the Revolutionary Guards and Iranian regime in killing the Syrian people as the main element behind the Middle East’s crises.

Speakers emphasized the necessity to evict the mullahs’ regime, the IRGC and its foot-soldiers in order to establish peace and security in the region, and sought the designation of the IRGC as a foreign terrorist organization.

“I am proud to take part in this meeting on behalf of the Solidarity Committee In Defense of Ashraf Residents. Now that our brothers are in Albania, does this mean this is the end of this committee’s work? No. Naturally, our main priority was to save their lives, and relocate them from the prison they were in. However, our brothers have become the symbols of a just cause, and as Mrs. Rajavi has said time and again, after allocating years of defending the movement and delisting it from the terrorist lists, now is the time to go on the offensive,” said former Algerian prime minister Sid Ahmed Ghozali.

“It is necessary for me to say that those who since the Clinton administration in 1997 placed the so-called strategy of appeasement on their agenda, those who imagined the solution to be establishing a moderate current in Iran, I say to them this strategy is based on placing their effort on appeasing dictators and fascists. Their strategy is corrupt and a failed initiative,” he added.

“Islam has always been a reflection of the Torat and Bible… therefore, it is necessary to strive to make the public in Europe, France and America understand the true nature of Islam. Islam is not the religion of violence and terrorism. Completely the opposite,” Ghozali added.

“What we are doing in this committee was prioritizing defending the PMOI in prison in Iraq. Now it is time for the committee to establish solidarity between Arabs, Muslims and the Iranian opposition,” he added.

“It is necessary for this committee to expand, become younger and bring in the youth, to become a committee with the power of making the Arab and Islamic world realize that the cause of Iran and the Iranian opposition has deep relations with their causes,” Ghozali finalized.