Fingerprints of Iranian regime’s terrorist death squads surface

NCRI – Assassinations that took place in recent days can be traced back to death squads backed by the Iranian regime’s terrorist Qods Force, credible sources in Baghdad told al-Sharqiya TV.

The sources added that assassinations usually target government employees and at times use explosive packages with adhesives.

Previously, Ayad Allawi, Iraq’s former prime minister and leader of the al-Iraqiya bloc, had warned about physical elimination of government employees or their families in Baghdad by the Iranian regime.

According to sources along the Iran-Iraq frontier, some officials in Iraq’s southern region have increased measures to control border regions close to Iran in a bid to block the illicit entry of Iranian regime agents.

Zafer Nazmi, a border guard commander in the fourth district, said that new roads have been constructed along the border and special tracking equipment and cameras are being utilized to keep a closer watch on the frontier.

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