Financial support ($Billions) of mullah’s regime for Bashar Al-Assad

NCRI – On recommendation of Ayatollah Khamenei’s consultants, Iran gives nearly six billion dollars to Syrian regime to overcome its difficult economic conditions, radio France reported on July 15.

les echos economic newspaper, quoted a secret report of the Tehran’s Strategic Research Center (CSR) describing Iran’s substantial aid to the Syrian government.

 According to the newspaper, it is vital for Tehran to preserve the Damascus regime. The newspaper indicates that “Tehran’s CSR”  is very close to Ayatollah Khamenei. In a confidential report on  5.8 billion dollars financial aid to Syria recommends that $B 1.5 be paid immediately and the remainder over the next three years.

Lezko newspaper writes “informed sources in Tehran” say that the project that was presented to Ayatollah Khamenei a few weeks ago, has  been approved.
Within the same plan, Iran – the world’s fourth exporter of crude oil – will give 290 thousand barrels of free oil to Syria for the next nine months.

Finnaly, as a number of cars with suitcases full of money pass the border and go to Lebanon daily, Tehran sends a senior Iranian Revolutionary officer to assist Alam Mamluk, Syria’s intelligence chief, in border control and inspection.

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