False testimonies “rampant” in Iranian regime judiciary

NCRI – The deputy chief of the Iranian regime’s judiciary has admitted that there are many cases within the mullahs’ judiciary in which witnesses are bribed to testify falsely in court.

Hossein Karimi told the state-run Mehr news agency on Sunday in an interview that, “Some people are currently sitting around courts and agree to testify falsely in return for money.”


The problem seems to be rampant and false testimonies are issued not only in preliminary trials but also at appeals courts, he said.

Karimi tried to take away blame from the regime’s judges.

One lawyer said, “In one revolutionary court branch, the judge asked the witness to observe [religious customs before prayer] and explained the issue of false testimonies to the witness in such a manner that even the lawyers looked worried and frightened.”

One official tied to the Iranian regime, described as the president of Lawyer Bar Association, said hundreds of lawyers across the country confirm that “many innocent people are behind bars as a result of false testimonies.”

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