Exclusive Report: Antwerp Court Concludes Rule Over Tehran’s Terror Cell

May 10, 2022- Supporters of the Iranian Resistance rally in front of the Antwerp Court as it finalizes the sentences of three accomplices of the Iranian regime’s terrorist diplomat

On Tuesday, May 10, the Antwerp Court in Belgium announced the verdict of three accomplices of the Iranian regime’s terrorist diplomat Asadollah Assadi.

The court upheld the initial sentences for all three terrorist agents of the Iranian regime and added two more years of imprisonment for Amir Sa’adouni. The court also confirmed its decision to strip the defenders from their European citizenship and ordered them to pay 60,000 Euros each to the court.

Initially, Nasimeh Na’ami was sentenced to 18 years, Amir Sa’adouni to 15 years, and Mehrdad Arefani to 17 years behind bars in Belgium.

Assadollah Assadi who masterminded a bomb plot against the Iran Free Summit in 2018, was sentenced by the Antwerp Court to 20 years in prison on February 4, 2021. Charged with attempted terrorist murder and participation in the activities of a terrorist group, the Antwerp court rejected his claim of diplomatic immunity. Prior to being arrested by the German police in 2018, Assadi worked at the Iranian Embassy in Vienna, Austria, and received orders from the Iranian regime’s Ministry of Intelligence (MOIS).

While Assadi dropped the appeal in May 2021, three of his accomplices, Mehrdad Arefani and Amir Sa’adouni, who were supposed to carry out the eventually thwarted mission tried to lessen their sentences by the Antwerp Court of Appeal.

From the early morning hours, Iranians and supporters of the Iranian Resistance gathered outside the court building and organized a rally to call on the Belgian Judiciary to hold the perpetrators of the Iranian regime’s terror attack to account and send a message to Tehran that his terrorists are not welcome on European soil.

The court ruling was welcomed by those who attended the rally in Antwerp as well as millions of Iranians closely watching and following the fate of the Iranian regime and its terrorists whether from their houses inside the country or dispersed all over the world.

As the NCRI delegation left the court and joined the rally, the attendees expressed their joy and repeated determination to carry on with their struggle and called on the European governments to stand tall against Tehran’s extortion tactics.

The rally organizers read a statement that called on Brussels as well as other EU member states to acknowledge the ruling of the Antwerp Court in condemning the Iranian regime’s terror machine throughout the world that has continued to plague the safety and security of European citizens for geopolitical agendas in Tehran.

The statement called on the EU to close the embassies of the Iranian regime that merely act as centers of espionage and terrorism, to expel the regime’s terrorist diplomats, and dismantle the spying and intelligence network of Tehran that has been active inside Europe for more than four decades and hundreds of leads and contacts thereof has been attained by the Interpol while Assadi was apprehended, and his ‘green book’ was seized.

Iranian protestors asked the EU to follow the lead of European judiciaries by holding Tehran to account for plotting, executing, and plotting terror on European soil. According to them, persecuting and arresting all MOIS agents that have been identified across Europe, will send a clear message to the regime that it cannot continue to jeopardize the lives of Iranians and Europeans alike in order to extort and build “leverage” on the negotiation table.

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